• An 8% fulvic acid liquid possessing a myriad of yield-enhancing qualities. This product supersedes Fulvic 1400™.

    Fulvic Acid is a powerful organic extract from humates which offers a host of benefits for both the soil and the plant. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE
  • Fulvic acid in a concentrated, soluble powder – the most versatile and productive input in agriculture, in freight friendly form.

    Fulvic acid is a powerful organic extract from humates which offers a host of benefits for both the soil and the plant. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE
  • A processed concentrate containing humic acid in slow-release, granulated form. These humates are delivered in convenient 2–4 mm granules, containing 70% humic acids.

  • A humic acid liquid for use as a fertiliser, stabiliser/magnifier, plant growth promotant, soil life activator and soil conditioner.

    A rich, dark brown liquid humic acid derived from potassium humates. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE
  • A humic acid liquid for use as a fertiliser, stabiliser/magnifier, plant growth promotant, soil life activator and soil conditioner.

    A rich, dark brown liquid humic acid derived from potassium humates. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE
  • When boron, the most leachable of trace elements, is stabilised and retained for the full crop cycle, the crop response can be remarkable.

    Boron (as B2O3) is fused with humates and presented as a 2-4 mm granule for easier application. Boron is the most unstable of the trace elements and is easily leached from the soil (particularly in low humus soils). Humic acid can fuse with boron in the root zone for the full crop cycle. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE
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