Mag-Life Organic™

Magnesium is the central ion in a chlorophyll molecule. The majority of crops require some liquid magnesium supplementation, regardless of soil levels.

A high analysis source of micronised magnesium carbonate combined in a free-flowing suspension with fulvic acid. Magnesium is a photosynthesis enhancer, which generally requires some supplementation in all cropping situations regardless of soil test results. Magnesium should be maintained at luxury levels for maximum yield.



Australian Certified Organic (ACO) Registered Farm Input 456AI (Restricted).

Magnesium is the central ion in a chlorophyll molecule, making it essential for photosynthesis.

Magnesium is a phosphate synergist.

Magnesium is one of “The Big Four” elements which should always be maintained at luxury levels in the leaf for maximum yield and plant health.

Contains more than twice as much magnesium than any of the soluble magnesium alternatives.

Features a slow-release trickle, which feeds the plant for a longer period.

To promote the precision required to build luxury levels of magnesium, i.e. elemental magnesium can be applied without unwanted sulfate or nitrate carriers.


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