Soluble Seaweed Powder – 3 Species
Different kelp species have unique effects upon plant health and crop potential depending upon their nutrient & hormonal profile. Tri-Kelp™ from NTS offers a unique formulation of the three most popular growth promoting seaweed species. Laminaria, Sargassum and Ascophyllum nodosum are the three components of a new 100% soluble seaweed powder, which promises to redefine the concept of cost-effective kelp. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE -
Amino acids chelate, promote and activate but, most importantly, they simplify the protein building process for the plant and the energy saved can be utilised elsewhere.
This potent concentrate of amino acids is derived from enzymatically digested plant protein. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE -
Triacontanol is a naturally occurring plant growth promoter which can act as a photosynthesis enhancer.
Triacontanol increases cell division rates leading to production of larger root and shoot mass. When sprayed on plants during growth periods, it activates secondary messengers leading to enhanced enzymatic activities in plants that increase the brix level in fruit. DOWNLOAD PRODUCT BROCHURE